A happy child's soul makes the world shine
Infants and adolescents suffer because of family problems, school stress, pressure to perform or bullying. These burdens have an impact on a physical and mental level: Children become very whiny, irritable, introverted, anxious, aggressive, apathetic or suffer from sleep disorders and are very often sick. In recent years in Switzerland, depression among infants and adolescents has sharply increased. This constant emotional tension in early childhood can lead to negative personality development. Especially in a world that is spinning faster and faster, a stable and happy personality is of immense importance!
In individual sessions, fears, complaints or worries can be resolved. Every child deserves a chance for a good life - we as adults, have the responsibility to offer our children this opportunity!
Many children can depict their feelings and state of mind pictorially. Below are pictures of children picturing either their emotional state before and after the session or how they felt about the session. The colors and motifs are freely chosen.
Tobias, 11 years old
Before the Session

Before the session, the boy mainly used dark colors and drew sad people and a lot of doodles.
After the Session

After the session he painted with bright colors and drew childish & happy subjects.
Simon, 10 years old
Before the Session

Picture from Simon, 10. Before the session, the boy chose mainly dark colors.
After the Session


This picture shows how Mia felt about the session. She drew an angel, lots of colorful hearts, a happy sun and colored flowers.